Friday, May 28, 2021

5th Grade Work for Week 16

 5th grade work for Week 16

  • Vocab L29
  • Journey's Soft Cover L29 - Counting Birds. (Reg)
  • Journey's Hard Cover L1 (L29) - A package for Ms. Jewels (Adv)
  • Grammar U18 - Past Perfect Simple Pg.119 -123 ( complete unit)
  • Creative Writing - Topic Writing ( Test prep)
  • Math - Ch9L1 Average Pg. 57 - 66
  • Science - Unit 11 Pollution Pg. 126-130
  • Vocab and spelling quiz L29
  • Grammar Quiz Unit 18
Monday - Vocab x5 and def x1 L29 (must be hand written in HW book)
                  Do HW corrections on google docsTuesday - Make own sentences L29 ( Submit on google docs in google    classroomWednesday - Check math pg. 58 - 65 and do corrections from answer key in google classroom.
Check Journey's L29 from PPT in google classroom.Thursday - study for Vocab and Spelling quiz L29
                    Study for grammar test Unit 18
                    Check grammar book Pg. 119-123 using answer key on google classroomFriday - Do review WS for Math, Science and English
              Study for Test 3

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