Friday, June 9, 2023

Work for Week 18

Week 18 - 

Test Week - Final test  

Book Work:

Language Hand book: Review Language handbook L26 - L30 

Journey's Soft Cover: Review these Lessons: 

L26 (The long Flight)

·        L28 (The many faces of Rolling Hills)

·        L30 (Stonehenge: A riddle) 

Grammar: Review the following grammar units 

Unit 15 - Possessives Pg. 104-109

Unit 16 - Question tags Pg. 110 - 113.

Unit 17 - 1st Conditionals (and 2nd Conditionals) Pg. 114 – 118

Unit 18 - Past Perfect Simple Pg. 119 – 123

Unit 20 - Do and Make Pg. 131-134

Creative Writing: Review the writing process

Math: Review the following chapters:

Chapter 8 Lesson 1: Percent Pg. 37-41

Chapter 8 Lesson 2: Fraction as Percent Pg.42-49

Chapter 8 Lesson 3: Percent of a Quantity Pg. 50-56

Chapter 9 Lesson 1: Understanding average Pg. 57 - 66


Science: Review Unit 11 - Pollution  


Monday: Study for English Test

Tuesday: Study for Math and Science test

Wednesday: Sharpen the Saw after the big test

Thursday:  Do novel questions 

Friday: Novel questions 

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G5 Work for Week 4

  Work for   503A :   Language Hand book: Lesson 3 vocabulary p. 3 Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 3 – Thomas Decide p. 22-31 Grammar: Unit...