Thursday, March 16, 2023

G5 Work for Week 6


Week 6 (Test week) 

Book Work:

Students will be reviewing their book work from week 1 - 6 in class. 

We will also be doing review worksheets and playing review games for all subjects concerned. 

Language Hand book: Review L16 - 20

Journey's Soft Cover: 501: Review Hardcover Journeys - L17 and L19

                                      502: Review Soft cover Journey's - L17, L19 and L20 

Grammar: Complete grammar review Worksheet and do all grammar corrections in Unit 11 -13

Creative Writing: Review the writing process - how to write an introduction, body and conclusion. 

Math: Review Math (Math book 5B) chapter 7 Pg. 1 - 36 and complete Math review worksheet.

Science: Do Review Worksheet for science and review Unit 9 Ecosystems. 


English test 1 (S2) : Thursday 3/23  period 1 and 2 

Math and Science test 1 (S2) : Friday 3/2  period 1 and 2


Monday:        501: Review Hardcover Journeys - L17 and L19

                       502: Review Soft cover Journey's - L17, L19 and L20

                      Complete Grammar review worksheet

Tuesday:      Review Grammar Unit 11 , 12 and 13

                     Review Vocab L16 -20

Wednesday: Study for English Test 1

Thursday:  Study for Math and Science Test and complete Math and science review worksheets

Friday: Do novel questions

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G5 Work for Week 4

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