Friday, March 19, 2021

Overview of Week 5

 Hi parents,

English exams are next week!

This week for creative writing we wrote an essay on tradition. Usually students have to write about a certain tradition, but this time they wrote about any of their own traditions that they want or have.

For science, we reviewed ecosystems.

For math, we finished the curriculum up to page 36. Math was a lot.

For grammar, we learned Modals 1. They learned how to use can, could, would and will.

For journeys, we read a story about children with disabilities going to a horse farm to heal. This intrigued a lot of students considering they have never heard of this.

I have given out the review worksheets. I will give out the answers and post the answers online on Monday. 

Thank you!

Mr. Richard


G5 Work for Week 4

  Work for   503A :   Language Hand book: Lesson 3 vocabulary p. 3 Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 3 – Thomas Decide p. 22-31 Grammar: Unit...