Friday, September 13, 2024

G5 Work for Week 4

 Work for 503A:


Language Hand book: Lesson 3 vocabulary p. 3

Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 3 – Thomas Decide p. 22-31

Grammar: Unit 3 – Past Simple and Past Progressive p.11-17

Math: Chapter 1 Lesson 4 Multiplies p.18-19

Science: Unit 2 - The Circulatory System p. 15-21

Novel: Danny the Champion - Read chapter 6-7



9/20 (Friday) Vocabulary and spelling quiz L3

9/20 (Friday) Grammar quiz U2



Monday: Write vocab word x 5 and Definition x1 in HW book. Lesson 3 in Language Hand Book (use blue pen) Write in HW book.

Tuesday: Write own sentences using the vocab words from Lesson 3 in Language Hand Book. Use a blue pen. Write in HW book.

Wednesday: Read novel chapter 6-7

Thursday:  Study for Vocab quiz L3 and grammar U2

Friday: Do novel questions for chapter 6-7. Novel questions are in the Language hand book Pg. 33. Write novel questions at the back of your test book. Use a blue pen



Work for 501R:


Language Hand book: Lesson 3 vocabulary p. 3

Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 3 – Thomas Decide p. 22-31

Grammar: Unit 3 – Past Simple and Past Progressive p.11-17

Math: Chapter 1 Lesson 4 Multiplies p.18-19

Science: Unit 2 - The Circulatory System p. 15-21

Novel: Worst class trip ever - Read chapter 6-7



9/20 (Friday) Vocabulary and spelling quiz L3

9/20 (Friday) Grammar quiz U2



Monday: Write vocab word x 5 and Definition x1 in HW book. Lesson 3 in Language Hand Book (use blue pen) Write in HW book.

Tuesday: Write own sentences using the vocab words from Lesson 3 in Language Hand Book. Use a blue pen. Write in HW book.

Wednesday: Read novel chapter 6-7

Thursday:  Study for Vocab quiz L3 and grammar U2

Friday: Do novel questions for chapter 6-7. Novel questions are in the Language hand book Pg. 33. Write novel questions at the back of your test book. Use a blue pen

Friday, September 6, 2024

G5 Work for Week 3

 Work for 503A:


Language Hand book: Lesson 2 vocabulary p. 2

Journey's Hard Cover: Lesson 2 – Royal Mystery p. 48-61

Grammar: Unit 2 – Future “Will”, “Be Going to” p.11-17 

Math: Chapter 1 Lesson 3 Factors p. 16-17

Science: Unit 1 - The Respiratory System p. 6-13 

Novel: Danny the Champion - Read chapter 4-5


9/13 (Friday) Vocabulary and spelling quiz L2

9/13 (Friday) Grammar quiz U1



Monday: Write vocab word x 5 and Definition x1 in HW book. Lesson 2 in Language Hand Book (use blue pen) Write in HW book.

Tuesday: Write own sentences using the vocab words from Lesson 2 in Language Hand Book. Use a blue pen. Write in HW book.

Wednesday: Do CW final draft 

Thursday:  Study for Vocab quiz L 2 and grammar LU1 

Friday: Do novel questions for chapter 4-5. Novel questions are in the Language hand book Pg. 33. Write novel questions at the back of your test book. Use a blue pen




Work for 501R:


Language Hand book: Lesson 2 vocabulary p. 2 

Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 2 - Twin Twins p. 14 - 21

Grammar: Unit 2 – Future “Will”, “Be Going to” p.11-17

Math: Chapter 1 Lesson 3 Factors p. 16-17 

Science: Unit 1 - The Respiratory System p. 6-13

Novel: Worst class trip ever - Read chapter 4-5


9/13 (Friday) Vocabulary and spelling quiz L2

9/13 (Friday) Grammar quiz U1



Monday: Write vocab word x 5 and Definition x1 in HW book. Lesson 2 in Language Hand Book (use blue pen) Write in HW book. 

Tuesday: Write own sentences using the vocab words from Lesson 2 in Language Hand Book. Use a blue pen. Write in HW book.

Wednesday: Do CW final draft

Thursday:  Study for Vocab quiz L 2 and grammar LU1

Friday: Do novel questions for chapter 4-5. Novel questions are in the Language hand book Pg. 33. Write novel questions at the back of your test book. Use a blue pen

Friday, August 30, 2024

G5 Work for Week 2

 Work for 503A:


Language Hand book: Lesson 1 vocabulary p.1

Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 1 – Ocean Learner p. 2-13

Grammar: Unit 1 - Present Progressive & Present Simple p. 3-8

Math: Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Approximation & Estimation p. 13-15

Science: Unit 1 - The Respiratory System Pg. 2-5

Novel: Danny Champion of the World - Read chapter 1 - 3




Vocabulary and spelling quiz L1 - Friday 9/6



Monday: Write vocab word x 5 and Definition x1 in HW book. Lesson 1 in Language Hand Book (use blue pen) Write in HW book.

Tuesday: Write own sentences using the vocab words from Lesson 1 in Language Hand Book. Use a blue pen. Write in HW book.

Wednesday: Read novel chapter 1-3

Thursday:  Study for Vocab and Spelling quiz Lesson 1

Friday: Do novel questions for chapter 1 -3. Novel questions are in the Language hand book Pg. 31. Write novel questions at the back of your test book. Use a blue pen.



Work for 501B:


Language Hand book: Lesson 1 vocabulary p.1

Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 1 – Ocean Learner p. 2-13

Grammar: Unit 1 - Present Progressive & Present Simple p. 3-8

Math: Chapter 1 Lesson 2 Approximation & Estimation p. 13-15

Science: Unit 1 - The Respiratory System Pg. 2-5

Novel: Worst Class Trip Ever - Read chapter 1-3




Vocabulary and spelling quiz L1 - Friday 9/6



Monday: Write vocab word x 5 and Definition x1 in HW book. Lesson 1 in Language Hand Book (use blue pen) Write in HW book.

Tuesday: Write own sentences using the vocab words from Lesson 1 in Language Hand Book. Use a blue pen. Write in HW book.

Wednesday: Read novel chapter 1-3

Thursday:  Study for Vocab and Spelling quiz Lesson 1

Friday: Do novel questions for chapter 1 -3. Novel questions are in the Language hand book Pg. 31. Write novel questions at the back of your test book. Use a blue pen.

Thursday, August 29, 2024



August 2024

Hello parents!

My name is Mr. Richard and I have the pleasure of teaching your child’s 5th grade English, math and science class this year. I am from New York, USA and I graduated from SUNY Stony Brook. I have experience teaching elementary students. This is my sixth year at Lih-Jen.

My teaching style is very structured and visual based. I hold my students to high standards and I encourage open communication between the parents, the teacher and the student. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me anytime at or call me at 0955-195-379.

Thank you for your cooperation. Together we will achieve great success. I look forward to a wonderful partnership in your child’s education.


Mr. Richard

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Summer Vacation Homework for G5 going to G6

 Disclaimer: This was made by G6 teachers. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact them directly or through Ms. Vicky. Thank you so much!

G5 Work for Week 4

  Work for   503A :   Language Hand book: Lesson 3 vocabulary p. 3 Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 3 – Thomas Decide p. 22-31 Grammar: Unit...