Friday, March 29, 2024

G5 Work for Week 8


Week 8 

Book Work:

Language Hand book: Lesson 22 vocabulary 

Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 22

Journey's Hard Cover: Lesson 22

Grammar:  Finish Unit 14 Modals 2

Creative Writing - N/A because of short week

Math: Chapter 11, Lesson 2 - Area of parallelogram and rhombuses

Science: Unit 10 - Adaptations

Novel: James and the giant peach / The BFG 


Vocabulary and spelling quiz L22 MONDAY April 8th

Grammar quiz Unit 14 Modals 2 MONDAY April 8th


Monday: Write vocab word x 5 and Definition x1 in HW book. L22 

Tuesday: Write own sentences L22

Wednesday: Study for Vocabulary and Spelling quiz Lesson 23 and Grammar Unit 15.

                    Novel Questions 

Friday, March 22, 2024

G5 Work for Week 7

Week 7 

Book Work:

Language Hand book: Lesson 21 vocabulary 

Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 21- On the Beckworth Trail Pg. 202 - 211

Grammar:  Start Unit 14 - Modals 2 Pg. 93 - 97

Math: Chapter 11, Lesson 1 - Area of Triangles Pg. 85 - 94

Science: Unit 10 - Adaptations Pg.100 -102 


Vocabulary and spelling quiz L21 Wednesday 3/29


Monday: Correct, sign and bring back exams tomorrow

Tuesday: Correct, sign and bring back exams tomorrow

Wednesday: Final draft of CW

Thursday: Study for L21 vocabulary exam

Friday: Novel Questions

Friday, March 15, 2024

All 5th grade Grammar PPTS

 Click here for grammat PPT 

These are ALL the grammar PPTs. 

Review Games

Grammar Game for 502A

Grammar Game for 503B

Math Game

Science Game

Ecosystem PPT

  Ecosystem PPT 

Answer Key for Review Worksheets


English Grammar 



Review Worksheets

Grammar WS 

Math WS 

Science WS 

Hardcover Journeys L17 and L19 for A class


Lesson 17 - The LAFFF

Lesson 19 - Darnell Rock reporting 

Conversion of units of measurement


G5 Work for Week 6


Week 6 (Test week) 

Book Work:

Students will be reviewing their book work from week 1 - 6 in class. 

We will also be doing review worksheets and playing review games for all subjects concerned. 

Language Hand book: Review L16 - 20

Journey's Soft Cover: 501: Review Hardcover Journeys - L17 and L19

                                      502: Review Soft cover Journey's - L17, L19 and L20 

Grammar: Complete grammar review Worksheet and do all grammar corrections in Unit 11 -13

Creative Writing: Review the writing process - how to write an introduction, body and conclusion. 

Math: Review Math (Math book 5B) chapter 7 Pg. 1 - 36 and complete Math review worksheet.

Science: Do Review Worksheet for science and review Unit 9 Ecosystems. 


English test 1 (S2) : Thursday 3/19  period 1 and 2 

Math and Science test 1 (S2) : Friday 3/20  period 1 and 2


Monday:       Study for English Test 1

Tuesday:      Study for Math and Science Test and complete Math and science review worksheets

                     Review Vocab L16 -20

Wednesday: HW Corrections

Thursday:  Novel Questions

Friday: L21 Vocabulary x5 + definition + sentences

Friday, March 8, 2024

G5 Work for Week 5


Week 5 

All books will be sent home on 3/15  for review for Test 1 

Book Work:

Language Hand book: Lesson 20

Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 20

Grammar:  Finish Unit 13 - Modals 1 Pg. 90 - 92

Creative Writing : N/A

Math:    Chapter 7, Lesson 7 - Word problems Pg. 35 - 36

Science: Unit 9 - Ecosystems Pg. 95- 96 and do self-check on Pg. 98 


Vocabulary and spelling quiz L20 Friday 3/15


Monday: L20 vocab x5 + definition

Tuesday: L20 Own sentences 

Wednesday: Do HW corrections 

Thursday:  Study for Vocabulary and Spelling quiz Lesson 20

Friday: Do Review worksheets for Grammar, Math and Science. 

503B Test Scope for Exam 1


Grade 5 2nd Semester Regular - Test 1 Scope 2024


Dates of Tests:

English on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 - Periods 1 and 2

Science and Math on Wednesday, 20 March 2024 - Periods 1 and 2




Grammar 50%

For all grammar exercises, students should review their Grammar book; Enter the World of Grammar 2 textbook and Grammar quizzes in Test book as well as the review worksheets.  The areas to be tested are as follows:

·         Unit 11 – Reflexive and Emphatic pronouns - Pg. 75 – 79

·         Unit 12 – Articles - (definite, indefinite and zero article) – Pg. 80 – 86

·         Unit 13 – Modals 1 – (Can, Could, will and would) – Pg. 87 – 92


Vocabulary 10%

For review resources refer to language handbook, vocabulary quizzes and Homework books. Students must study lesson 16 – 20 for the test.

Students have to select a word from a word bank and put it into a sentence.


Reading 20%

Students will answer Journey’s questions based on Journeys (Softcover) L17 -  The year 2525, L19 – Sojourner Truth and L20 – Horse Rider. Students will also be graded on comprehension skills based on an as yet unread text. Spelling and grammar mistakes will affect grades.


Creative Writing 20%

Students must write 3-4 paragraphs (250-300 words) based on a personal narrative writing topic. Essays must be creative and include an interesting topic, clear introduction, body and conclusion. Students will be graded on content, organization, creativity of essay and grammar. Topics are not provided beforehand.








Review Resources: My Pals are Here Science Book 5A

Unit 9 – Ecosystems Pg. 88 -98


Students will be asked to describe factors that affect an ecosystem. As well as giving short answers on relevant topics.




Review Resources – Prime Mathematics Course Workbook B

Students will be tested on the methods learned in this Unit. Students must review;


·         Chapter 7, L1 – Approximation pg. 1-5

·         Chapter 7, L2-3 – Multiplication and Division of Decimals pg. 6 -18

·         Chapter 7, L4 – Multiplying by 2- Digit Whole Numbers pg. 21-24

·         Chapter 7, L6 – Conversion of Measurements pg. 30-34

·         Chapter 7, L7 – Problem Solving pg. 34-36.


Makes sure you understand the steps you need to take to complete a problem. READ the word problems carefully!






Best of luck and study hard,


Mr. Richard, Mr. Andy and Ms. Grace


502A Test Scope for Exam 1


Grade 5 2nd Semester Advanced - Test 1 Scope 2024


Dates of Tests:

English on Tuesday, 19 March 2024 - Periods 1 and 2

Science and Math on Wednesday, 20 March 2024 - Periods 1 and 2




Grammar 50%

For all grammar exercises, students should review their Grammar book; Enter the World of Grammar 2 textbook and Grammar quizzes in Test book as well as the review worksheets.  The areas to be tested are as follows:

·         Unit 11 – Reflexive and Emphatic pronouns - Pg. 75 – 79

·         Unit 12 – Articles - (definite, indefinite and zero article) – Pg. 80 – 86

·         Unit 13 – Modals 1 – (Can, Could, will and would) – Pg. 87 – 92


Vocabulary 10%

For review resources refer to language handbook, vocabulary quizzes and Homework books. Students must study lesson 16 – 20 for the test.

Students have to select a word from a word bank and put it into a sentence.


Reading 20%

Students will answer Journey’s questions based on Journeys (Hardback) L17 – LAFFF and L19 – Darnel Rock Reporting. Students will also be graded on comprehension skills based on an as yet unread text. Spelling and grammar mistakes will affect grades.


Creative Writing 20%

Students must write 3-4 paragraphs (250-300 words) based on a personal narrative writing topic. Essays must be creative and include an interesting topic, clear introduction, body and conclusion. Students will be graded on content, organization, creativity of essay and grammar. Topics are not provided beforehand.








Review Resources: My Pals are Here Science Book 5A

Unit 9 – Ecosystems Pg. 88 -98


Students will be asked to describe factors that affect an ecosystem. As well as giving short answers on relevant topics.




Review Resources – Prime Mathematics Course Workbook B

Students will be tested on the methods learned in this Unit. Students must review;


·         Chapter 7, L1 – Approximation pg. 1-5

·         Chapter 7, L2-3 – Multiplication and Division of Decimals pg. 6 -18

·         Chapter 7, L4 – Multiplying by 2- Digit Whole Numbers pg. 21-24

·         Chapter 7, L6 – Conversion of Measurements pg. 30-34

·         Chapter 7, L7 – Problem Solving pg. 34-36.


Makes sure you understand the steps you need to take to complete a problem. READ the word problems carefully!






Best of luck and study hard,


Mr. Richard, Mr. Andy and Ms. Grace


G5 Work for Week 4

  Work for   503A :   Language Hand book: Lesson 3 vocabulary p. 3 Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 3 – Thomas Decide p. 22-31 Grammar: Unit...