Friday, December 29, 2023

Review Worksheets

  English (A)

 English (R)

 Math Review


Will give out answers and go over in class on TUESDAY 1/2

G5 Work for Week 19


Week 19 (Class: 503 and 502) Test week 

Book Work:

Language Hand book: Review L11 - 15 

Journey's : 502: Review Hardcover Journeys - L12 and L14 

                                      503: Review Soft cover Journey's - L11, L13 and L15 

Grammar: Complete grammar review Worksheets  and do all grammar corrections. 

Creative Writing: Review the writing process - how to write an introduction, body and conclusion. 

Math: Review Math chapter 3 fractions and complete review worksheet.

Science: Do Review Worksheet for science and review Unit 5 - Invertebrates and Unit 6 - Photosynthesis 



- English Test 3 - Thursday 1/4

- Math and Science Test 3 - Friday - 1/5


Tuesday: Study for Math and Science Test 3 

                Return English books to school. 

Wednesday: Study for English exam

Thursday:  Study for math and science exams

Friday:  Study for Chinese Test and decorate LIM folder

Friday, December 22, 2023

Hardcover Journeys L12+L14

 Hardcover Journeys is on exam 3 and to help the students not have to carry it home, we have provided a digital copy. 

HC - Lesson 12 - Can't you make them behave, King George? 

HC - Lesson 14 - James Forten 

Good luck!

G5 Work for Week 18


Week 18  Review Week

Book Work:

Language Hand book: Review L11 - 15 

Journey's Soft Cover: 502: Review Hardcover Journeys - L12 and L14 

                                      503: Review Soft cover Journey's - L11, L13 and L15 

Grammar: Complete Unit 9 - Pg. 68 - 69. 

                  Review grammar Units  7 , 8, 9 

Creative Writing: N/A

Math: Complete Chapter 3 Lesson 7 - Word problems Pg. 88-89

           Complete Review Worksheets for Math 

Science: Do Review Worksheet for science and review Unit 5 - Invertebrates and Unit 6 - Photosynthesis 



Grammar quiz Unit 9 - Present Perfect Simple and Past Simple - 12/29


Monday: Correct and sign quizzes

Tuesday: Do HW corrections

Wednesday:  Do Journey Corrections

Thursday:  Study for Grammar Quiz Unit 9

Friday: Study for English, Math and Science big test. 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Test Scope for 503B Class


Grade 5 3rd Test Semester 1

Test Scope


English Final Test:

Date: Thursday, 4th January 2024

Periods 1 & 2


Reading Comprehension (20%)

·         Students will read an unknown passage and answer questions based on the text. Students will be graded on comprehension skills.

·         Students also need to review L11 (Bunker’s Cove), 13 (Women of the American Revolution), and 15 (The carpenter and the Drummer Boy) of Journey’s (softcover) and answer questions based on the content.

Writing (20%)

·         Students must write a 3-4-paragraph essay (250 words). They will be given 2 types of writing to choose from. In order to be prepared for the writing, students must review how to write a descriptive writing and a persuasive writing.

·         Students will be graded on content, organization, grammar/spelling, and creativity as well as using the correct format.

Grammar (50%)

Review Resources: Enter the World of Grammar 2 textbook: Units 7 -9 and Weekly Grammar Tests from Unit 7 to 9.

Students will answer sets of questions based on the following units and grammar points.

·         Unit 7: Nouns – Some / Any /No / Every / One / Ones (pg.46-47)

·         Unit 8: Present Perfect Simple (pg. 59-64)

·         Unit 9: Past Simple – Present Perfect Simple (pg. 65-69)

·         Past tense forms and past participles of irregular verbs: Review Pages 149/150


Vocabulary (10%)

Review Resources: Vocabulary Handbook L11 –15 and Vocabulary quizzes.

·         Students will be tested on a selection of vocabulary words taught in lessons 11 to 15. A word bank will appear on the test, and students will have to put a suitable word into gaps in the sentences provided.


Science and Math Final Test

Date: Friday, 5th January 2024

Periods 1 & 2




Review Resources – My Pals are Here Science Book 5A

·        Unit 5 Invertebrates (pg. 48-60)

·        Unit 6 Photosynthesis (pg.62-66)

Students will answer questions based on concepts from the above two units.





Review Resources – Prime Mathematics 5A, Coursework book

Chapter 3 Fractions

·        Lesson 1: Fractions and Division (pg.51-55)

·        Lesson 2: Addition and Subtraction of Unlike Fractions (pg.56-60)

·        Lesson 3: Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers (pg. 61-67)

·        Lesson 4: Product of Fractions and Mixed Numbers (pg. 68-74)

·        Lesson 5: Division of Fractions by Whole Numbers (pg. 75-77)

·        Lesson 6: Division of Whole Numbers by Fractions (pg. 78-80)

·        Lesson 7: Problem Solving (pg. 81-89)

Students must also be familiar with the word problems at the end of each lesson!


Good luck and study hard!

Mr. Richard, Mr. Anthony, and Ms. Grace


Test Scope for 502A Class


Grade 5 3rd Test Semester 1

Test Scope


English Final Test:

Date: Thursday, 4th January 2024

Periods 1 & 2


Reading Comprehension (20%)

·         Students will read an unknown passage and answer questions based on the text. Students will be graded on comprehension skills.

·         Students also need to review L12 (Can’t You make Them Behave, King George?), and 14 (James Forten) of Journeys (hardback edition) and answer questions based on the content.

Writing (20%)

·         Students must write a 3-4-paragraph essay (250 words). They will be given 2 types of writing to choose from. In order to be prepared for the writing, students must review how to write a descriptive writing and a persuasive writing.

·         Students will be graded on content, organization, grammar/spelling, and creativity as well as using the correct format.

Grammar (50%)

Review Resources: Enter the World of Grammar 2 textbook: Units 7 -9 and Weekly Grammar Tests from Unit 7 to 9.

Students will answer sets of questions based on the following units and grammar points.

·         Unit 7: Nouns – Some / Any /No / Every / One / Ones (pg.46-47)

·         Unit 8: Present Perfect Simple (pg. 59-64)

·         Unit 9: Past Simple – Present Perfect Simple (pg. 65-69)

·         Past tense forms and past participles of irregular verbs: Review Pages 149/150


Vocabulary (10%)

Review Resources: Vocabulary Handbook L11 –15 and Vocabulary quizzes.

·         Students will be tested on a selection of vocabulary words taught in lessons 11 to 15. A word bank will appear on the test, and students will have to put a suitable word into gaps in the sentences provided.


Science and Math Final Test

Date: Friday, 5th January 2024

Periods 1 & 2




Review Resources – My Pals are Here Science Book 5A

·        Unit 5 Invertebrates (pg. 48-60)

·        Unit 6 Photosynthesis (pg.62-66)

Students will answer questions based on concepts from the above two units.





Review Resources – Prime Mathematics 5A, Coursework book

Chapter 3 Fractions

·        Lesson 1: Fractions and Division (pg.51-55)

·        Lesson 2: Addition and Subtraction of Unlike Fractions (pg.56-60)

·        Lesson 3: Addition and Subtraction of Mixed Numbers (pg. 61-67)

·        Lesson 4: Product of Fractions and Mixed Numbers (pg. 68-74)

·        Lesson 5: Division of Fractions by Whole Numbers (pg. 75-77)

·        Lesson 6: Division of Whole Numbers by Fractions (pg. 78-80)

·        Lesson 7: Problem Solving (pg. 81-89)

Students must also be familiar with the word problems at the end of each lesson!


Good luck and study hard!

Mr. Richard, Mr. Anthony, and Ms. Grace


G5 Work for Week 17


Week 17 

Book Work:

Language Hand book: Lesson 15 vocabulary Pg. 15

Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 15 - The Carpenter and the drummer Boy  Pg. 142 - 151

Grammar: Unit 9 : Past Simple Pg. 68 - 67

Math: Chapter 3 Lesson 6 - Division of whole numbers by fractions Pg. 78 - 80

                            Lesson 7 - Word problems 81 - 89

Science: Unit 6 Photosynthesis Pg. 63 - 64 and do self check on Pg. 66



Vocabulary and spelling quiz L15 Thursday 12/21

Grammar quiz Unit 8 Present Perfect Simple Thursday 12/21


Monday: Write vocab word x 5 and Definition x1 in HW book. Lesson 15 in Language Hand Book (use blue pen) Write in HW book. 

Tuesday: Write own sentences using the vocab words from  Lesson 15 in Language Hand Book.  Use a blue pen. Write in HW book. 

Wednesday:  Study for Vocabulary and Spelling quiz Lesson 15 and Grammar Quiz Unit 8

Thursday:  Do grammar corrections

Friday:  Do novel questions:   

Thursday, December 7, 2023

G5 Work for Week 16


Week 16 (Class: 503) 

Book Work:

Language Hand book: Lesson 14 vocabulary Pg. 14

Journey's Soft Cover: Lesson 14 - Nero Hawley's Dream Pg. 132 - 141

Grammar: Unit 8: Present Perfect Simple Pg. 63 - 64 

Creative Writing :

Math: Chapter 3 Lesson 5 Division of Fractions by Whole Numbers Pg. 75 - 77

Science: Unit 5 - Review Pg. 52 - 56 - do self check on Pg. 60

                Unit 6 Photosynthesis Pg. 62 -63

Novel: Worst class trip ever 



Vocabulary and spelling quiz L14 Friday 12/15


Monday: Write vocab word x 5 and Definition x1 in HW book. Lesson 14 in Language Hand Book (use blue pen) Write in HW book. 

Tuesday: Write own sentences using the vocab words from  Lesson 14 in Language Hand Book.  Use a blue pen. Write in HW book. 

Wednesday: Write final draft for CW - New Year's

Thursday:  Study for Vocabulary and Spelling quiz Lesson 14 

Friday: Do novel questions 


Week 16 (Class: 502) 

Language Hand book: Lesson 14 vocabulary Pg. 14

Journey's Hard Cover: Lesson 14 - James Forten Pg. 421 - 431

Grammar: Unit 8: Present Perfect Simple Pg. 63 - 64 

Creative Writing :

Math: Chapter 3 Lesson 5 Division of Fractions by Whole Numbers Pg. 75 - 77

Science: Unit 5 - Review Pg. 52 - 56 - do self check on Pg. 60

                Unit 6 Photosynthesis Pg. 62 -63

Novel: Danny champion of the world 


Vocabulary and spelling quiz L14 Friday 12/15


Monday: Write vocab word x 5 and Definition x1 in HW book. Lesson 14 in Language Hand Book (use blue pen) Write in HW book. 

Tuesday: Write own sentences using the vocab words from  Lesson 14 in Language Hand Book.  Use a blue pen. Write in HW book. 

Wednesday: Write final draft for CW - New Year's

Thursday:  Study for Vocabulary and Spelling quiz Lesson 14 

Friday: Do novel questions 

Christmas Notice

Dear parents, We are excited to announce that the 5th-grade students will have a Christmas party during their English classes on  December 2...